Sail Away costume contest

Sail Away, the unique machinima project of Rafale Kamachi, is still being made in Second Life, at Remember Island. Rafale Kamachi, who is initiator and producer of this full lenght movie, is still looking for Second Life residents who are creative and like to contribute to the film with outfits for an early 18th century setting.

For this purpose, a contest was held among creators of clothes and attributes. A number of 14 residents have taken part in the contest, and came all dressed in their best costumes to the establishment by the name of “Pirates Grotto” On Remember to show themselves, while dancing on modern tunes of DJ raph.

The jury, for the occasion formed by

Cisko Vandeverre, director
Romtherom Freenote, builder for sets, props, avatars and costumes
Nemesys Wemyss, builder sloop and weapons
Sevader Wheels (Tiny@Boudoir), costumes
FredieLajoie Merlin, event organizer
Philippe Chaplin, reporter photographer
Rafale Kamachi, producer
and myself representing Bibliothèque Francophone of Second Life and Metaverse had an hour to watch all the nice creations and announce the winners. The winners, who will have a part in “Sail Away” with their creations, are:

Fabulle Loon
nathalie charman
Ashes Halderman

18th Century costumes. Source:

They will appear in the machinima “Sail Away” in their costumes.

If you have missed this contest but feel that you could create an awesome costume for this movie, then do not hesitate to contact Rafale Kamachi, as a lot of outfits, but also other attributes are still needed. Meet het at Remember Island in Second Life or contact her by the website, either in French or in English.

If you like to check out, what style of clothes people were actually wearing those days, you might like to visit also and learn a lot about costume history.

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