Avatars Reading Proust

with the FRENCH LIBRARY  (in Second Life TM)

19:00> 21:00 CET
* in RL: room blanche
** in SL: Bibliothèque Francophone
Web-turning read Proust by the avatars of the French Library of Second Life and presentation of the library by Hugobiwan Zolnir.
With the Paris-Villette avatars Coulaut Menges and Betty Renoir.

* RL: Real Life
** SL: Second Life

19:00> 21:00 CET
Great Hall
The Kiss of the Matrix (Proust Lu on the Internet)
Spectators, you can watch the film, installed in spaces built specially for the occasion.
Readers players, webcams are available to register and participate in the film.

The Matrix is a computer program that manages real-time distribution of texts, information dissemination to capture new readers, the timeline of the film, and consulting it at any time. The ambition of this project is to create a successful company whose time is governed by the Matrix.

> Bar

Paris-Villette • Parc de la Villette
211 avenue Jean Jaurès 75019 Paris
Porte de Pantin vélib
Reservation 01 40 03 72 23
x-network is a program of the Paris-Villette, supported by the City of Paris, the Ile-de-France, DICREAM (Ministry of Culture and Communication) and the NLC as part of Read Day. With the support of the DRAC Ile-de-France workshops for “Les Enfants du Net.”

Elements: White Room photo-contest

Quoting Butterfly Laa on her weblog:

This morning proud to present our first contest entry! Elements photo taken by Mallory Destiny, who has an Art Gallery of her own in Tournicoton, and a wonderful site on the net, http://mallorydestiny… Has lots of good information there!! Thank you Mallory !!! Nice Photo!!!

The White Room Contest October 2008

Theme: The four elements (Earth, Wind, Fire & Water)
Give us a picture of something you refer to the four elements in SL and win 1500L$! Continue reading

Saint-Gobain presents first showroom in Second Life

Sustainable development and technological innovation are, for Saint-Gobain, powerful handles for improving its operations and its results. For several years, the company initiated a pro-active policy in this area. The establishment of Saint-Gobain Glass in the virtual world of Second Life, orchestrated by experts of Stonfield InWorld, is a new step to encourage exchanges between scholars and performers of glazing residents with high environmental sensitivity.

A strong agreement to the protection of the environment in Second Life

The new showroom of St. Gobain in Second Life

The new showroom of St. Gobain in Second Life

To initiate a constructive discussion on the role of glazing in environmental protection and energy saving, Saint-Gobain Glass organizes conferences and debates between marketing and development and residents whose sensitivity and Culture Sustainable development is high. This is to present innovative solutions developed by Saint-Gobain Glass to build the ecological house of the future and talk with residents. Continue reading

Walking in a vain

When we start about virtual worlds such as Second Life™ and the ways to use this environment for teaching, the possibilities are presumed endless. As far as I can see, only the first few steps are being taken now and as long as inspired people like Namro Orman are exploring the ways, the (near future) is promising.

Namro Orman, who is in daily life occupied being Coordinator of electronic Services of the Central Medical Library of the University Medical Center in Groningen (UMCG) in the Netherlands, has invited me to meet him at the Info Health Island in Second Life™ and to show me his latest idea.

In the loan is a huge red tube, bend in some places and as Namro asks me, I walk into the tube. The tube turns out to be a giant model of a human blood-vessel and after a few meters I am stopped by a door that is meant to figure a blood-valve. I have to answer two questions about “strokes” – A misfunctioning that includes the rapidly developing loss of brain functions due to a disturbance in the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain. Continue reading

French speaking Proust lovers are asked

Since 1993 Véronique Aubouy is working on a lifetime project about the most important work of Marcel Proust: “À la recherche du temps perdu”. The project concerns to film all of the work being read by people in front of a camera.

To give an impression of the volumes, here are a few figures:

Duration so far: 77 hours
Estimated duration of the work when it will be finished: 150 to 200 hours
Hours of work so far: 15 years
Hours of work estimated at approximately 1993 to 2050
Number of readers so far: 789
Estimated number of readers: 1500 to 2000

Continue reading