Transmusicales 2008

Flyer for Transmusicales 2008

Flyer for "Transmusicales 2008"

In 2007, a great concert was organized both in virtual and physical world. The physical (real life) concert that was performed in the city Rennes in the North-West of France, was at the same time broadcast in Second Life

This year, Transmusicales has higher aspirations in offering three concerts this year in a row, during which avatars can see and enjoy videoprojections live on a giant screen. There will also be “in real life” an experimental mixed reality to discover virtual worlds “without use of the keyboard and mouse” to the audience.

Beware: the access is limited to 60 seats per concert and it is recommented to make reservations on the websites: sldirect or Transmusicales 2008

Members and known supporters of the Bibliothèque Francophone are in the team of volunteers who prepare the city for concerts and transport. The contact for the project is the avatar by the name of “Clap Clip” Second Life.

Sail Away costume contest

Sail Away, the unique machinima project of Rafale Kamachi, is still being made in Second Life, at Remember Island. Rafale Kamachi, who is initiator and producer of this full lenght movie, is still looking for Second Life residents who are creative and like to contribute to the film with outfits for an early 18th century setting.

For this purpose, a contest was held among creators of clothes and attributes. A number of 14 residents have taken part in the contest, and came all dressed in their best costumes to the establishment by the name of “Pirates Grotto” On Remember to show themselves, while dancing on modern tunes of DJ raph. Continue reading

Video: Le baiser de la Matrice

Smitsol Finesmith is reading Proust. (Film by Hugobiwan Zolnir)

Of about 20 avatars that have read a page of Prousts “A la cherche de les temps perdu”, Smitsol made an even greater effort, as he was the only non-speaking french at the mandala stage, who had learned his text all phonetically. Well done!!

A great report in french is to read here.

Twinverse, planet earth as a Virtual World

Google maps meets Second Life, is the way it should be described in very short. But that is no-way covering the whole story.

At first login, after assigning with a name, location and a picture, the application looks like an ordinary Google Map with my name on it. From here, the first thing to be done, is to find my home, or any place I would like to call home, on the map and click on my own thumbnail image. A menu appears and one of the options is “Establish my Home here”, which gives a starting point and a place to return to if one gets lost. This all might seem rather basic, but the fun starts, when other people start the same. When ‘travelling’ around the globe one finds many other homes of other participants and also their thumbnail avatar. When meeting another, you get the immediate chance to start chatting with each other and getting acquintant. A faster way to meet new people is hardly possible.

Let’s start at the beginning.

Two years ago it all started with the idea, to make a virtual world, using the real globe and as such, using Google Maps as a grid. Internauting on the website of Twinverse, it becomes very clear that it was meant to be a globe-based virtual environment based on peer-to-peer technology, which uses the computers of the users who are connected to the application, in stead of one or more servers. This is the main difference between Twinverse and for example Second Life, which is almost all server based. Also it was meant to be in 3D, like most other virtual world are already.
Another feature that is very interesting, is under the tab “user content” and shows, in chronological order, all text, photo’s and video’s that have been added by users to the maps, by using “maptags”. Readers who are more interested in the technical details will enjoy Joaquin Keller’s blog “In the Computronium“.

It was just bad luck perhaps, that nobody was interested to download the software and start using the application. According to Jamal B, who is one of the creators, it was because of this that they have changed their plans for a while and have started with this webbased application in 2D, like it is now.

But the dream is not over, it is just getting started. Although many features still have to get finished and a lot of wishes are still to be fullfilled, the strongest wish, as to build this application in a 3D version is still alive.

Give it a go, it is worth it!

Avatars Reading Proust

with the FRENCH LIBRARY  (in Second Life TM)

19:00> 21:00 CET
* in RL: room blanche
** in SL: Bibliothèque Francophone
Web-turning read Proust by the avatars of the French Library of Second Life and presentation of the library by Hugobiwan Zolnir.
With the Paris-Villette avatars Coulaut Menges and Betty Renoir.

* RL: Real Life
** SL: Second Life

19:00> 21:00 CET
Great Hall
The Kiss of the Matrix (Proust Lu on the Internet)
Spectators, you can watch the film, installed in spaces built specially for the occasion.
Readers players, webcams are available to register and participate in the film.

The Matrix is a computer program that manages real-time distribution of texts, information dissemination to capture new readers, the timeline of the film, and consulting it at any time. The ambition of this project is to create a successful company whose time is governed by the Matrix.

> Bar

Paris-Villette • Parc de la Villette
211 avenue Jean Jaurès 75019 Paris
Porte de Pantin vélib
Reservation 01 40 03 72 23
x-network is a program of the Paris-Villette, supported by the City of Paris, the Ile-de-France, DICREAM (Ministry of Culture and Communication) and the NLC as part of Read Day. With the support of the DRAC Ile-de-France workshops for “Les Enfants du Net.”

French speaking Proust lovers are asked

Since 1993 Véronique Aubouy is working on a lifetime project about the most important work of Marcel Proust: “À la recherche du temps perdu”. The project concerns to film all of the work being read by people in front of a camera.

To give an impression of the volumes, here are a few figures:

Duration so far: 77 hours
Estimated duration of the work when it will be finished: 150 to 200 hours
Hours of work so far: 15 years
Hours of work estimated at approximately 1993 to 2050
Number of readers so far: 789
Estimated number of readers: 1500 to 2000

Continue reading

Proust: The Kiss of the Matrix

With “The Kiss of the Matrix” Véronique Aubouy proposes to more than 3000 people worldwide to read in front of their web-camera a page of “A la Recherche du temps perdu” by Marcel Proust. After this experience, all of the words have been read in french, by people of all backgrounds, what will provide a film of approximately 170 hours.

The web-shooting will take place live on the Internet from September 27, 2008 twelve o’clock GMT. It is open to all. Véronique Aubouy invites you today to register on her blog and you are free to  invite friends to build a network of “Kiss of the Matrix.”

On 8 October 2008, the Bibliothèque Francophone in Second Life will join the reading by inviting 30 avatars who will all read a part of the text in the grounds of Ebeoplex, while they have taken place on a giant mandala.

Of course, as curious as we are, Véronique Aubouy is willing to tell all who is interested about her project on Friday 4 September at the Bibliothèque Francophone.

The website, in french, of Véronique Aubouy:

Article in french on (Bibliothèque Francophone Blogspot): http://sldirect…

The “Sail Away” project (2)

Rafale Kamachi has a small production company based in Wales, Hilight Ltd, and in this background she has started to produce a innovative film project.

The full length animation film (machinima), Sail Away, will be all the way filmed in Second Life, on the isle of Remember. And it will be taken in at least French and English.
Although there is no budget at all for this very exciting and huge project, all builders, scripters, designers, directors and all others work very hard to make this movie reality.

The Bibliothèque Francophone is very happy to support Rafale Kamachi in this beautiful project and has dedicated a part of the garden to “Sail Away”. Feel free to come and see.

Remember Island:
Bibliothèque Francophone, Ebeoplex:

Bibliothèque Francophone de Second Life & Metaverse:

Link to this text in French: http://…

The “Sail Away” project

remember islandThis project is to make a full length via SL machinima. Sail Away is a fiction about what happened to Anne Bonny after she escaped the noose by claiming the belly. As no one knows what happened to her after that, Sail Away is a kind of revenge over the life she led.
Sail Away is an adventure in the true sense of the word, yet it is also a story about women, the choices and the sacrifices they make in the pursuit of their dreams.

Sail Away is to be used as promotional tool for all involved. It will be the first full length ever made using machinima.
What will make this project even more interesting to my eyes is that as the script is to be divided into chuncks and each chunk shot by a different director with his/her own feel, we will end up with a movie that shows different visual perspectives.

Stage one of the project was to buy and island and mark it up as “pirate territory”. Phase one is achieved with Remember Island. Rentals have been set up and traders are settling in the ship that is used as shop to hopefully help pay Linden Lab tier fees.

Stage two is the selection of machinima directors who will be in charge of producing chunks of the script. We are entering this stage now.

Stage three, rewriting of each chunk to satisfy the needs of each director while ensuring that the thread of the story remains intact.

Stage four will be to:
· Organize teams linked to the directors. The teams comprising builders for the sets, shape and skin artists, costume designers and animators. For each team, a team manager.
· Find actors.

Stage five will be to:
· Organize the shooting using the island as movie studios. This means building and putting sets in place.
· Getting musicians to create original pieces.

Stage six will be to:
This project is to make a full length via SL machinima. Sail Away is a fiction about what happened to Anne Bonny after she escaped the noose by claiming the belly. As no one knows what happened to her after that, Sail Away is a kind of revenge over the life she led.
Sail Away is an adventure in the true sense of the word, yet it is also a story about women, the choices and the sacrifices they make in the pursuit of their dreams.

Sail Away is to be used as promotional tool for all involved. It will be the first full length ever made using machinima.
What will make this project even more interesting to my eyes is that as the script is to be divided into chuncks and each chunk shot by a different director with his/her own feel, we will end up with a movie that shows different visual perspectives.

Stage one of the project was to buy and island and mark it up as “pirate territory”. Phase one is achieved with Remember Island. Rentals have been set up and traders are settling in the ship that is used as shop to hopefully help pay Linden Lab tier fees.

Stage two is the selection of machinima directors who will be in charge of producing chunks of the script. We are entering this stage now.

Stage three, rewriting of each chunk to satisfy the needs of each director while ensuring that the thread of the story remains intact.

Stage four will be to:
· Organize teams linked to the directors. The teams comprising builders for the sets, shape and skin artists, costume designers and animators. For each team, a team manager.
· Find actors.

Stage five will be to:
· Organize the shooting using the island as movie studios. This means building and putting sets in place.
· Getting musicians to create original pieces.

Stage six will be to:
· Get RL actors to give their voices to the movies in English and in French and organise the recording of the voices.
· Post-produce.
· Looking for RL newspapers and magazines to talk about the project.
· Create a dedicated web site to house the episodes.

Stage seven, release on the web.

Unfortunately none. I have enough aside to pay the Linden Lab tier fees for a few months but that is all I can give.

Rafale Kamachi (person to be contacted IG)
· Post-produce.
· Looking for RL newspapers and magazines to talk about the project.
· Create a dedicated web site to house the episodes.

E-troubadours – Traverses, un livre voyageur

From Barcelona (Spain) to Amsterdam (Netherlands) Traverses, travelling book
A passage through Europe by Vincent Radix and Karen Guillorel

Karen Guillorel the director, among many other things, of the project “Traverses un livre voyageur” and a remarkable voyage from Paris to Jerusalem, undertakes this time a tour through Europe from Barcelona to Amsterdam.
Before her departure, she agreed with her travelling companion Vincent Radix to come to the Francophone library (Bibliothèque Francophone) to answer the questions which will be asked to her.

Traverses, travelling bookShe will be among us on
Thursday June 5
starting from 21h30
Bibliothèque Francophone, Ebeoplex

And you are cordially invited to join to you to us
It is possible to consult the detailed note of this voyage with the following bond:
Dossier de Presse (pdf)

Website Traverses (English, Français)